Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Black Pepper Crab

Hari nie kat kaferia masak ketam masak lemak.. sedap.. so JACK beli la 3 ketul.. bawak balik rumah.. tapi suddenly nak makan Black Pepper Crab so JACK surfing kat internet jumpa resepi nie JACK dari Rasa Malaysia Resepi.. Basiclly here the method and ingredients..

Malangnyer JACK carik2 kat kedai tak der daun kari... yg lain semua ada.. so nak jadi simple guna serbuk kari ( giggle ) :) (chuckle)...


3 fresh mud crabs (about 1 lb each)
Oil for deep frying
2 tablespoons butter
2 shallots, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, very finely chopped
1 tablespoon salted soya beans, mashed
2 tablespoons dried prawns, roasted and ground
2 tablespoons black pepper, ground coarsely
1/2 cup curry leaves
10 red or green bird’s-eye chilies, chopped
2 tablespoons black soy sauce
3 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons oyster sauce


Clean the crabs and cut in half, discarding the spongy “dead man’s fingers.” Smash the claws with a cleaver to allow the seasonings in. Deep fry the crab until half-cooked, drain and set aside.

Heat a wok, melt butter and put in shallots, garlic, salted soy beans, dried prawns, black pepper, curry leaves and chilies. Saute till fragrant, then add crab and the remaining ingredients. Cook for 5-10 minutes until the crab is done.

Here the pictures...
1. Deep fry the crab

2. Melt the butter

3. Saute till fragrant

4. then add crab and the remaining ingredients. Cook for 5-10 minutes until the crab is done